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发布日期:2024-06-03 05:26    点击次数:213


  近日,由中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所副研究员张华侨、美国弗吉尼亚理工大学教授肖书海和长安大学教授刘云焕等组成的联合研究团队在川北和陕南早寒武世(5.35亿年前)地层中发现了三维磷酸盐化保存的新的动物化石。这些新化石是早期的动吻动物,代表着动吻动物门在整个地质历史中已知的唯一的化石记录。其中一种命名为珍稀始祖动吻虫(Eokinorhynchus rarus),它的名字表明其稀缺性和与现生动吻动物之间的关系。它约2毫米长,有20个体节,每个体节上布满一圈(约20–40个)长方形的小骨板,有五对较大的具刺骨板对称分布,腹部有一个单独的具刺大骨板,每个大骨板横跨2–3个体节,有较多空心的刺随机分布在体节上。



  该研究成果于11月26日发表于Nature的子期刊Scientific Reports。

  论文相关信息:Huaqiao Zhang, Shuhai Xiao, Yunhuan Liu, Xunlai Yuan, Bin Wan, A. D. Muscente, Tiequan Shao, Hao Gong & Guohua Cao, 2015. Armored kinorhynch-like scalidophoran animals from the early Cambrian. Scientific Reports. Doi: 10.1038/srep16521.


据介绍,本届活动以“赓续文化血脉 筑牢信仰根基 谱写青春华章”为主题,以社会主义核心价值观为引领,通过“国学史园”知识竞答、“创承文脉”高校主题数字微展览联展、“铸魂润心”文化育人创新工作案例、“百物匠心”非遗技艺传承创新视频微课等多项专题活动,引导广大高校师生坚定文化自信,坚持守正创新,推动中华优秀传统文化创造性转化和创新性发展。



Armored kinorhynch-like scalidophoran animals from the early Cambrian

Morphology-based phylogenetic analyses support the monophyly of the Scalidophora (Kinorhyncha, Loricifera, Priapulida) and Nematoida (Nematoda, Nematomorpha), together constituting the monophyletic Cycloneuralia that is the sister group of the Panarthropoda. Kinorhynchs are unique among living cycloneuralians in having a segmented body with repeated cuticular plates, longitudinal muscles, dorsoventral muscles, and ganglia. Molecular clock estimates suggest that kinorhynchs may have diverged in the Ediacaran Period. Remarkably, no kinorhynch fossils have been discovered北大包丽事件, in sharp contrast to priapulids and loriciferans that are represented by numerous Cambrian fossils. Here we describe several early Cambrian (~535 million years old) kinorhynch-like fossils, including the new species Eokinorhynchus rarus and two unnamed but related forms. E. rarus has characteristic scalidophoran features, including an introvert with pentaradially arranged hollow scalids. Its trunk bears at least 20 annuli each consisting of numerous small rectangular plates, and is armored with five pairs of large and bilaterally placed sclerites. Its trunk annuli are reminiscent of the epidermis segments of kinorhynchs. A phylogenetic analysis resolves E. rarus as a stem-group kinorhynch. Thus, the fossil record confirms that all three scalidophoran phyla diverged no later than the Cambrian Period.